''Genre'' is a 1996 Live-action/animated short film by animator Don Hertzfeldt, his second student film, preceded by Ah, L'Amour (1995). The 16mm short combines traditional animation, pixilation, and stop-motion animation to present a cartoon rabbit careening through a variety of rapidly changing film genres as his animator struggles to come up with a good idea. The short is Hertzfeldt's least favorite of his work, but it nevertheless was an animation festival hit that went on to receive 17 awards. In 1997, it was shown on an episode of MTV's Cartoon Sushi. ==On DVD== In 2005, the original 16mm negative was digitally restored and remastered for the first time, for release on the extensive "Bitter Films Volume 1" DVD compilation of Hertzfeldt's 1995-2005 films. Special features included for ''Genre'' are Hertzfeldt's original production sketches, notes, and deleted ideas from the film; as well as a very rare 1993 video short called "Escape is Still Impossible": a precursor to ''Genre'' that Don created while still in high school. The DVD is available exclusively at the Bitter Films website, http://www.bitterfilms.com 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Genre (animated film)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク